If you need a change of pace, sign up for a “walk on the wild side”, a slow five-day hike along the deliciously isolated bays and beaches of the former Transkei coast, where rolling green hills tumble down to the sea and cattle are the only others sharing the sand.
The Wild Coast is undoubtedly the most diverse and unspoilt coast line remaining in South Africa. Rolling green hills descend to long white beaches divided by pristine estuaries. Ragged granite cliffs offer unsurpassed views of the majestic Indian Ocean and waterfalls crash to the sea below. This undeveloped coast is dotted with rural communities and well established family hotels found at convenient distances apart, ensuring that at the end of your walk you have ample time to relax at your overnight destination and enjoy the facilities on offer. Where else can one walk for hours without seeing a sole and then overnight in a comfortable hotel where all your creature comforts are taken care of.
Our guided trails are ideal for family and friends and what better way to spend your holiday than to interact with nature and enjoy the true Wild Coast hospitality. Trails can be tailor made to suit all time constraints and perhaps stop at your favourite if not all resorts for 2 or more nights. However trails can be shortened to as many days as you have available for your hiking getaway.
We hike all year round excluding peak holiday seasons. Group size is from 2- 18 people… your choice. Your fitness level does not need to be Olympian, but just moderate.
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